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Mappa della Real Chiesa

The Chapel of S. Gaetano

In the middle of the chapel we find a Statue of S. Gaetano, Saint of the Divine Providence. Over the archway of the chapel we find a scroll that says: QUERITE PRIMUM REGNUM DEI, that is, first look for the kingdom of God. On the sides of the scroll, on the archway which brings to the chapel, there are two statues of angels: on the left the angel is holding a huge book. The Scriptures; on the right the angel is pointing to the way to follow the Word of God.

Under the big archway with the angels we find a virtual niche done in a prospective way with multicoloured inlay marbles that has two allegoric figures of the Theological Virtues in turf: on the left a young girl holding a cross (allegory of faith); on the right a young girl holds a throbbing heart in a jar (allegory of hope and charity).

The statues on the sides of the chapel represent the Saints who witnessed a strong faith on the Providence: on the left Saint Antony of Padua. He believed on the Providence, when from Lisbone, his home town, he left for North Africa to bring the Word of God. On the right S. Rose of Lima first South American saint who lived at the beginning of XVI century and dedicated herself to help the union of young couples with problems.